What to expect:

After an initial chat to see what you like to achieve from the services we provide, you can decide if a telephone call, video call, clinic appointment or a visit to your home would be best suited for you.

During the planned sessions, we can explore:

  • What is important to you.
  • What suits your overall health. To help with this we will discuss what medication you take and your medical conditions. If you are monitoring your blood glucose levels, please share this. Your daily blood glucose can help us explore food and activity choices to consider at specific times of the day.
  • What suits your lifestyle. To help with this we will explore how food and activity fits in your daily routine.
  • What I hope we will achieve together is finding food and lifestyle swaps to help support a balanced diet that will promote your diabetes goals.
  • We can explore possible information and support you need, to enable you to implement the changes and ensure you achieve your goals. You will receive an action plan to help keep you on track.
  • With your consent, I might need to inform your GP/ diabetes team if further tests are needed or if changes to your diabetes treatment might need to be considered.
  • All your information will be treated confidentially. Personal details that will be kept will comply with the data protection act.

Please note the information I provided will not replace but supplement the NHS service you receive. If you have any urgent concerns, always contact your diabetes team or GP practice. Never stop taking your treatment prescribed by your medical team.